
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Survival Syllabus for Faculty

I've been enjoying sharing notes with colleagues about the incredible resources out there that are entirely about how to survive the academy as a woman, a faculty of color, LGBTQ faculty, or precarious faculty (e.g. lecturer/adjunct).  Some colleagues and I co-created this survival syllabus that we hope might serve as a resource for faculty trying to navigate some of the exploitative and exclusionary apparatuses of higher education.  This list is just a start.  Please add to it!  It's truly meant to be a co-creation.

Surviving Academia Syllabus: 
A Tool for Faculty

Table of Contents:

  1. Bibliography
  2. Organizations (professional or otherwise)
  3. Blogs and Blog Posts
  4. Organizations (Professional or Otherwise)

I. Bibliography

Barry, Ben. March 09, 2016. “Fashion Matters”. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Berg, Maggie and Barbara Karolina Seeber. 2016. The Slow Professor : Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy. University of Toronto Press

Brown, Adrienne Maree.  Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds.

Chatterjee and Maira. The Imperial University.

De Welde, Kristine, and Andi Stepnick. Disrupting the Culture of Silence: Confronting Gender Inequality and Making Change in Higher Education

Duncan, Patti. “Hot Commodities, Cheap Labor: Women of Color in the Academy.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies, 35.3, 2014: 39-63.

GutiƩrrez y Muhs, Gabriela, Yolanda Flores Niemann, Carmen G. Gonzalez and Angela P. Harris. Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia.

hooks, bell. Where We Stand: Class Matters

hooks, bell. Black Women and Self Recovery

hooks, bell, and Cornel West. Breaking Bread.

Joshi, Shangrila, Priscilla McCutcheon, and Elizabeth Sweet.  “Visceral Geographies of Whiteness and Invisible Microagressions.”

Matthew, Patricia. Written/Unwritten: Diversity and the Hidden Truths of Tenure.

Schlund-Vials, Cathy. Ed. Flashpoints for Asian American Studies. New York: Fordham University Press, 2017 (forthcoming)

Scott, Karla D. 2016. “Black feminist reflections on activism: Repurposing strength for self-care, sustainability and survival.” Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 5 (3): 126-132

Sudbury, Julia and Margo Okazawa-Rey. Activist Scholarship: Antiracism, Feminism and Social Change.

Shahjahan, Riyad A. 2014. Being ‘lazy’ and slowing down: Toward decolonizing time, our body, and pedagogy. Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (5): 488-501

TuSmith, Bonnie and Maureen Reddy, eds.  Race in the College Classroom: Pedagogy and Politics.  New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2002.

Mason, Mary Ann, Nicholas Woulfinger, and Marc Goulen. Do Babies Matter? Gender and Family in the Ivory Tower.

Menzies, Heather and Janice Newson. 2007. No time to think: Academics' life in the globally wired university. Time & Society 16 (1): 83-98

Mountz, Alison, Anne Bonds, Becky Mansfield, Jenna Loyd, Jennifer Hyndman, Margaret Walton-Roberts, Ranu Basu, Risa Whitson, Roberta Hawkins, and Trina Hamilton. 2015. For slow scholarship: A feminist politics of resistance through collective action in the neoliberal university. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 14 (4): 1235-1259

Rockquemore, Kerri Ann. The Black Academic’s Guide to Winning Tenure Without Losing Your Soul

Vest, Jennifer Lisa. 2013. What doesn't kill you: Existential luck, postracial racism and the subtle and not so subtle ways the academy keeps women of color out. Seattle Journal for Social Justice 12 (2): 471-518

II. Organizations (Professional or otherwise) & Subcommittees

National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development (insert brief description here)

III. Blogs and Blog posts

Conditionally Accepted, Eric Grollman’s blog:

The Professor Is In:

Kelly J. Baker on academic freedom and the neoliberal academy March 1, 2016

Kerri Ann Rockquemore's blog posts on Inside Higher Ed:

Black, Carol. “The Future of Big-Box Schooling.”

"Self-Care A'int the Same for Everyone"

Rest for Resistance blog/website:

IV. Journals (Professional or otherwise)

Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

VI.  Facebook/Social Media Groups

Academic Mamas

*thank you to the co-creators of this syllabus:

Renee Byrd
Jennifer James
Cindy Wu
Teresa Coronado
Sarah Jaquette Ray

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